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The day your teenager becomes a driver is stressful enough for any parent. In 2009, some 3,000 teens were killed in automobile accidents and 350,000 were injured, according to the Centers for Disease Control. So what they drive shouldn't add to the worry. Some teens will inherit the family car, while a few may be treated to something new (or newer). The good news for parents on the hunt for a safe and well-equipped used car is that great options abound. In compiling this list, we chose a price point of $15,000 to ensure that the cars met parameters typically set by parents, including multiple airbags, anti-lock braking systems, and other safety features that bring peace of mind. "Safety, fuel efficiency and running costs are often big factors for the parents we see," says John Brooks, the third-generation general manager of San Francisco's long-running used car dealership, Brooks Ellis Auto Center. Brooks counsels parents to look for the newest car they can afford, as some may still be under warranty. He also suggests four doors over two (lower insurance premiums) and automatic transmissions (less for the new driver to worry about). As with any used automotive purchase, favor cars with the least signs of abuse and the most complete maintenance records. Forthwith, we proffer nine cars that any parent would be proud put the kids in, and another that's more in the realm of childhood fantasy: Top 10 Cars For Teen Drivers